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المدونة – الصفحة 880 –

ميزوبروستول أو ميسوبروستول، هو اسم المكون النشط فى أقراص سايتوتيك( القرص الواحد من سيتوتيك يحتوى على 200 ميكروجرام ميسوبروستول). الإستعمال الرسمى لهذا الدواء هو منع و/ أو الوقاية من قرحة المعدة ( قرحة الجهاز الهضمى ) لا سيما فى المرضى الأكثر … What Misotac is and what it is used for: Misotac tablets contain Misoprostol which is similar to a chemical substance called ‘prostaglandin’ which your body produces naturally. Prostaglandins are produced in the stomach and intestine to help to protect the lining. … You have probably reached this page for one of the following reasons( last update- October 2021): Learn about Cytotec tablets or Misotac tablets. Need to Buy pills to terminate your early pregnancy (abortion pills ). Need information about termination of … Generic name Misoprostol. Composition Each tablet contains : Active ingredient : Misoprostol…200  mcg. Inactive ingredients: Croscarmellose sodium, Aerosil 200. microcrystalline cellulose. Pharmaceutical form Tablets can be used orally or through vagina. Pharmacological action MISOPROST is an analogue of naturally occurring … You may have landed on this page because you are looking for Misoprostol pills to end your early pregnancy. On this page you will find all the required information regarding early medical abortion (i.e. abortion by Misoprostol pills). updated april …

المدونة – الصفحة 863 –
المدونة – الصفحة 899 –