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Unveiling COVERAM: Navigating High Blood Pressure and Coronary Heart Disease

Understanding your medication is crucial for effective treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into COVERAM, shedding light on its composition, benefits, indications for use, dealing with side effects, suggested doses, precautions, and additional information to empower you in your healthcare journey.

Exploring COVERAM Components:

1. Perindopril Arginine:

  • Importance:
  • Belongs to ACE inhibitors group.
  • Essential for managing high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.
  • 2. Amlodipine Besilate:

  • Importance:
  • Part of calcium channel blockers.
  • Contributes to blood vessel widening, aiding blood flow.
  • Benefits of COVERAM Components:

    Perindopril Arginine:

  • Blood Pressure Control:
  • Regulates blood pressure by inhibiting ACE.
  • Reduces risks associated with hypertension.
  • Amlodipine Besilate:

  • Improved Blood Flow:
  • Widens blood vessels, enhancing oxygen supply to the heart.
  • Mitigates exertion-related shortness of breath.
  • Indications for Use:

    1. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension):

  • Understanding Hypertension:
  • Silent condition with no apparent symptoms.
  • Increased risks of stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure.
  • COVERAM’s Role:
  • Manages high blood pressure effectively.
  • Enhances overall cardiovascular health.
  • 2. Coronary Heart Disease:

  • Nature of the Disease:
  • Narrowing of vessels supplying blood to the heart.
  • COVERAM’s Role:
  • Reduces risks, including heart attacks.
  • Supports overall heart health.
  • Dealing with Side Effects:

    Common Side Effects:

    1. Dizziness:
    2. Common during initial use.
    3. Ensure a gradual change in position to prevent sudden dizziness.
    4. Cough and Shortness of Breath:
    5. Report persistent symptoms to your doctor.
    6. Adjustments in medication may be considered.

    Suggested Doses:

  • Initial Dose:
  • One tablet daily.
  • Administration:
  • Swallow with a glass of water.
  • Best taken in the morning before a meal.
  • Precautions:

    Important Safety Measures:

    1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
    2. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.
    3. Consult your doctor for alternative options.
    4. Extracorporeal Treatments:
    5. Caution required during treatments outside the body.
    6. Discuss potential risks with your healthcare provider.
    7. Interaction with Other Medications:
    8. Inform your doctor about all medications.
    9. Highlight potential interactions, especially with high blood pressure and immunosuppressant drugs.

    Additional Information:

    1. Self-Help Measures:

  • Lifestyle Adjustments:
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Adopt a low-fat, heart-healthy diet.
  • Regular, moderate exercise is beneficial.
  • 2. Impact on Driving and Machinery Use:

  • Alertness and COVERAM:
  • Be cautious if feeling dizzy or weak.
  • Avoid driving or operating machinery if experiencing side effects.
  • 3. Long-Term Medication Use:

  • Consistent Medication:
  • COVERAM controls conditions but doesn’t cure.
  • Follow your doctor’s guidance for long-term use.
  • Conclusion:

    In conclusion, COVERAM emerges as a powerful ally in the management of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Its dual-action components, perindopril arginine and amlodipine besilate, work synergistically to regulate blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health.

    Understanding the indications, benefits, precautions, and dealing with potential side effects equips you to navigate your healthcare journey more effectively. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and ensure open communication regarding any concerns or changes in your health.

    Remember, you are an active participant in your well-being. By arming yourself with knowledge, you empower yourself to make informed decisions in collaboration with your healthcare team.

    Product Description

    Appearance: COVERAM 5/5 tablets exhibit a white, rod-shaped form with the imprint “5/5” on one side and the Servier Logo on the other. They are conveniently packaged in bottles containing 30 tablets.

    For COVERAM 5/10 tablets, a white, square-shaped presentation with the imprint “5/10” on one side and the Servier Logo on the other is featured. Similar to the 5/5 variant, these tablets are available in bottles of 30.

    In the case of COVERAM 10/5 tablets, they present a white, triangular shape with the imprint “10/5” on one side and the Servier Logo on the other. Again, they are supplied in bottles containing 30 tablets.

    Lastly, COVERAM 10/10 tablets boast a white, round shape with the imprint “10/10” on one side and the Servier Logo on the other. These, too, are packaged in bottles containing 30 tablets.

    The packaging consists of a white bottle housing 30 tablets, accompanied by desiccant sachets, and is secured with a white child-resistant screw-on cap.


  • Each COVERAM 5/5 tablet comprises 5 mg perindopril arginine and 5 mg amlodipine, alongside various inactive ingredients.
  • COVERAM 5/10 tablets contain 5 mg perindopril arginine and 10 mg amlodipine, along with inactive ingredients.
  • COVERAM 10/5 tablets are composed of 10 mg perindopril arginine and 5 mg amlodipine, combined with inactive ingredients.
  • COVERAM 10/10 tablets include 10 mg perindopril arginine and 10 mg amlodipine, complemented by inactive ingredients.
  • All tablet doses share common inactive ingredients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal anhydrous silica, and magnesium stearate.
  • Manufactured and Distributed By: COVERAM is a product pioneered by Servier Research International. Its distribution in Australia is facilitated by Servier Laboratories (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.

    COVERAM TABLET PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLETتنزيلالنشرة الداخلية لأقراص كوفيرامتنزيل

    Product Summary: COVERAM Patient Information

    COVERAM is prescribed to manage high blood pressure (hypertension) and treat stable coronary artery disease, a condition characterized by reduced or blocked blood supply to the heart.

    For those already using separate tablets of perindopril and amlodipine, a more convenient option is available a single COVERAM tablet containing both active ingredients.

    The combination of perindopril, an ACE inhibitor, and amlodipine, a calcium antagonist, works synergistically to widen and relax blood vessels. This dual action facilitates improved blood flow, aiding the heart in maintaining optimal circulation.

    How to Take COVERAM: Always adhere to your doctor’s instructions. Take one tablet per day, preferably in the morning before a meal, with a glass of water. This regimen is often recommended for patients already using perindopril and amlodipine separately.

    Overdose and Missed Dose: In case of an overdose, characterized by low blood pressure leading to dizziness or fainting, seek immediate medical attention. If a dose is forgotten, take the next one at the regular time avoid doubling up.

    Discontinuation: Considering that COVERAM is typically a lifelong treatment, consult your healthcare provider before discontinuing. Any questions about the medication’s use can be addressed to your doctor or pharmacist.

    Possible Side Effects: Common side effects, occurring in less than 1 in 10 users but more than 1 in 100, include headache, dizziness, sleepiness (especially at the start of treatment), numbness or tingling in limbs, and vision disturbances. Other effects encompass palpitations, flushing, cough, abdominal discomfort, and taste disturbances.

    Serious Side Effects: While not common, serious side effects necessitating immediate cessation of the medication and prompt medical attention include sudden wheeziness, chest pain, swelling of facial features, severe skin reactions, intense dizziness or fainting, heart attack, and inflamed pancreas with severe abdominal and back pain.

    Conclusion: COVERAM is an effective combination medication for hypertension and stable coronary artery disease. Understanding proper usage, potential side effects, and the importance of consistent treatment is crucial for optimizing its benefits. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on COVERAM usage.

    دواء الكومادين (COUMADIN): الاستخدامات والمعلومات الهامة
    كوكسيب [سيليكوكسيب] لتخفيف الألم والالتهاب في أمراض العضلات،العظام والمفاصل –